Haworthia fasciata big band v.8 h.13

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If you are lucky enough to live in warm areas, plant your plants outside in full sun, where the soil is well drained. For most gardeners, this species is limited to indoor growth. Choose a pot that has excellent drainage and use a mixture of half potting soil and half gravel or perlite. The pot should be shallow, as the root system in haworthia plants is not deep. Place the potted succulent in a bright area with some protection from the hottest rays of the day. Water weekly during the summer or as soon as the topsoil is dry. In winter, stop watering except once a month.
Technical specification
  • Scientific name: Haworthia fasciata
  • Temperature: Abundant indirect light 18 to 27°C
  • Terrain: Specific soil or houseplant, well drained
  • Watering: Allow the soil to dry between waterings
  • Fertilizer: Cactus or universal fertilizer, liquid or granular
  • Ambient: indoor plant
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