Anthurium andreanum v.12 h.45

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Plants can tolerate all levels of indirect light, but those growing in low light will have fewer flowers and grow more slowly. These plants can not tolerate direct light, as this can burn the leaves. Anthurium care also requires the soil to have good drainage but retain some water. Plants do not like constantly wet soil. Water only when the soil is dry to the touch. The plant is susceptible to root rot, so excess water can cause the roots to die. If you allow the plant to dry out too much in a pot, it will slow down its growth. The plant only needs to be fed with a fertilizer once every three to four months. To get the best blooms, use a fertilizer that has a higher phosphorus number. Once you have the plant in the right soil and in the right location, watering is simple. An anthurium grown in your home will reward you with beautiful, long-lasting flowers.
Technical specification
  • Temperature: Abundant indirect light 15 to 32°C
  • Terrain: Indoor plant soil mix, well drained
  • Watering: Almost dry out between watering.
  • Fertilizer: Universal fertilizer, liquid or granular
  • Scientific name: Anthurium
  • Ambient: indoor plant
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